Sometimes we discover pure gold within the Halo community, Someone who goes above and beyond the average...and Adrian Cajili is no exception...

I discovered Adrian over on Twitter after noticing various sketches he had created for Dan 'Greenskull' Hammill and many others on the  ReadyUpLive team, Since then i've been lucky enough to work with Adrian who's sketches helped create the new You Know You're A Spartan website header which we are hugely proud of...

But without going into too much detail, Lets speak with Adrian on how this all started...

Hi there Adrian, Firstly thank you for your time and dedication working on our new website art, Would you like to introduce yourself and tell us a little about what you do, and how this all started?

Sure thing, but firstly thanks for having me!
So i've always had a passion for drawing and sketching, but it was during high school when all my digital drawings started. After buying a cheap graphics tablet on Ebay, i started doing small drawings on sketches to pass the time, GirlGoneGamer on YouTube  actually noticed one of my drawings and loved it, and from there I started doing cartoon drawings for her videos.

I joined ReadyUpLive last year but became a premium member just recently. At first i was just showcasing some of my work on the site, but then decided to do some drawings for the RUL community for their contribution to the site, which then led to the cartoon Spartans. Im really amazed at the feedback and response from the cartoons and avatars.

Your work has since caught many peoples eye, And I've noticed there's been some demand for your creations, How's it all going?

After setting up my own Facebook page to showcase my work, there has been a HUGE number of requests for drawings, its unbelievable. I'm also in my second year of University, studying Industrial Design, so its difficult to balance Uni work and drawing requests. Right now, I'm just focused on drawing for GirlGoneGamer, RUL Spartans, and a few other requests, but I'm not ready to take commissions. Since I'm just starting out , I really want to improve on my drawings and develop my own art style.

Can you share with us your website/websites where we can check out your creations?

You can check out my Facebook page Scribbles HERE where I post mostly current drawing projects and random sketches. As well as updates on my drawings and whether I'm ready to take commissions.

Thanks again for your time, We are big fans of your work, and may we wish you every success for your future!

Thank you for everything you guys have done for me, I really appreciate all the support for my drawings, and i hope to draw more Halo & Destiny stuff soon. Cheers!