Remember that quad from Halo 3, the Mongoose? Well, you'll be pleased to know it's set to make a return in the Anniversary edition of Halo 2. 343 industries have newly named the vehicle the 'Gungoose'. And looking at the picture, i'm pretty sure you can hazard a guess as to why! Halo 2 is just one of the four games that will be included with Halo: The Master Chief Collection arriving on Xbox One later this year on November 11th.
343 have also been working on arguably one of the greatest Halo multiplayer maps of all time, Coagulation is a Halo 2 multiplayer map that was a remake of the Halo: Combat Evolved multiplayer map, Blood Gulch. It stands as a huge valley with image identical bases at either end, it's certainly one of the fans favorites.
Coagulation was first announced at the Rooster Teeth Expo last weekend as one of the six Halo 2: Anniversary maps. These maps run at 60 frames per second and will hopefully run at 1080p resolution. These pictures of new concept art were released, along side this RTX video footage.
With Halo: The Master Chief collection arriving on Xbox One later this year, which Halo title are you most looking forward to playing?
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