You may be wondering why things have been a little quieter than usual here on You Know You're a spartan. So i wanted to stop by and update you all on the current situation regarding all of my sites.
I'm currently experiencing a ton of technical difficulties with my web host provider, problems that have caused me a heap of errors and and technical hiccups this end.
I'm currently working on a fix along side my provider regarding these issues, and have been for some weeks now. We're hoping to have a fix very soon, hopefully withing the next week or two to be more precise. Until then i can only apologize for my absence. I am however as committed as ever to provide you all with great content, and have continued to do so via both my YouTube and Twitch channels. You can find me over on Twitch at www.Twitch.TV/ShadEO9 and on YouTube at so please be sure to stop by and support my channels!
As soon as these current problems are patched, i'll return to providing you the very latest Halo news right here on
Thank you as always for your support, you are the reason i continue to do what i love to do! and i'm truly grateful for each and everyone of you who stop by to check out my content.
Until next time, Spartan...