Many of you may have already noticed that HaloWaypoint.com has had a significant face-lift.
The web team over at 343i have been hard at it to bring you a brand spankingly beautiful new Halo experience on the site, with a clean and fresh white and rather crisp looking theme. And this flows over onto the Halo community forums. Your Halo profiles are now much more customizable too, with brand new Halo headers being added, as well as a bunch of cool profile pictures, you can also add a bio to your page, giving your fellow Spartans a little more info on what you are about, as well as link to your Twitter, Facebook and Twitch.TV profiles directly on your page. pretty neat, huh? And all perfectly in time for the launch of Halo: The Master Chief collection!
Now, rather than have me give everything away, why not simply head on over to HaloWaypoint.com and check out all the new awesome features for yourself!
And until next time, Spartan...